brand strategy & visual design studio

karma is empowering


We are a branding agency for visionary companies committed to doing good. We build, guide and launch brands that place people and planet over profit.

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karma is holistic

We partner with organizations to provide creative solutions that transform their mission into vibrant reality. Our offerings range from high-level strategy and branding which guides an organization, down to the crafted details of fine print and packaging design.

Our studio is passionate about collaborating with altruistic for-profit organizations such as B-corporations and members of 1% for the Planet, and has extensive experience working in the nonprofit sector.


our clients


karma is altruistic


We believe that good goes around. Our mission is to create social and environmental good by incubating altruistic brands. We are proud to work exclusively with clients who place people and planet over profit.

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karma is connection


Our team is based remotely, with deep roots in the Pacific Northwest. We are nomadic by nature, seeking inspiration from people and places across the globe. We are compelled to connect intentionally with our clients across cultures and time zones. 


karma is boundless

Let us be your guide. We are the sherpa who knows the mountain, leading based on wisdom and intuition gained from  years of experience. We practice situational awareness, and gauge levels of acceptable risk. An ideal guide is an ingenious problem-solver and trouble shooter. A guide inspires you to keep going. You hold the compass—we draw the map. 


We build and launch altruistic brands.


We welcome and nurture creatives.


We support and guide our clients.